Kiwanis of Morenci
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanis of Morenci meets for lunch at noon every Wednesday at the Village Inn Restaurant. The cost of lunch is $8.00.
Prospective members are welcome to attend.
Membership Opportunity
Prospective members must have an interest in helping children, complete an application, and pay annual $100 dues.
For current events and highlights, visit Kiwanis of Morenci's Facebook page.
Contact Information
Kiwanis of Morenci
PO Box 84
Morenci, MI 49256
Rosemary Dickerson
(517) 458-2296
Board Members
Tim Decker, Theresa Ewald, Rosemary Dickerson, Jessi Moran, Matt Garrow, Dave Lonis, Ned Newlin
Rex Riley Board
Judy Pfund, Shana Love, Rosemary Dickerson, Matt Garrow, Theresa Ewald
Annual Events
Rex Riley Soup & Pie Dinner
2nd Wednesday of February
American Flag Placements
Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, Labor Day, and Veterans Day
Home football game
Wishing Tree Project