Morenci Senior Center

Morenci Senior Center

The Morenci Senior Center is available to all individuals 60 years of age and up.   The Center offers a variety of activities including exercise classes, exercise equipment, a pool table, Bingo, board games, a puzzle table, and special events. Also offered are holiday parties, educational classes and trips.   

Morenci  Senior Center is located at the Trinity Lutheran Church, 800 W. Chestnut Street.   Activities are free to seniors 60 years and older.  The cost of a lunch is a donation of $3 per person. Lenawee Dept. on Aging also offers home delivered meals to homebound individuals in the Morenci area.

Volunteer Opportunity

Home delivered meal drivers are needed to deliver meals to the home bound. They receive mileage and a free meal on the day of delivery. Contact the senior center by calling (517)260-4912 for more information.

Senior Center Fun

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Senior Center Fun

Contact Information

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

800 W. Chestnut St.
Morenci, MI  49256

9:30 AM-2:00 PM
Closed on weekends & holidays

Lunch served:
11:30 AM-12:15 PM

Curbside pick-up:
11:15-11:30 AM

Cost: $3.00

Phone: (517) 260-4912


Center Director: Jimmie Garland
Kitchen Staff: Cecil Schoonover

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