Hometown Heroes Banners

The 2024 Hometown Heroes banners were proudly hung in Downtown Morenci in time for Memorial Day weekend. They will remain on display through September and again during the month of November. The City of Morenci is deeply grateful for the collaborative efforts of numerous organizations and individuals whose contributions made this project possible.

A heartfelt thank you to each family who participated, honoring their loved ones and allowing our community to show support. We extend our gratitude to the Morenci Legion and Auxiliary for their continued partnership and for hanging the American flags. The help of Auxiliary member Chris Rutkowski was again instrumental in organizing this year’s program. A special thank you goes to the Morenci Garden Club for its dedication in enhancing the light poles with flowering baskets, adding beauty to the display and the downtown streetscape each year. Lastly, we would like to thank the Department of Public Works for its diligent work in installing the brackets, banners, and baskets, ensuring everything is displayed with care. It is through such collaborative efforts and contributions that meaningful initiatives like these thrive and make a positive impact in our community.

The Hometown Heroes Banner Project stands as a testament to the collective effort and community spirit of Morenci. It visually represents the gratitude and respect we have for our veterans and military service members. The City of Morenci invites you to take a walk or drive through downtown Morenci to pay your respects and enjoy this beautiful display of patriotism and community spirit.

The Daily Telegram featured the program in their May 28th issue. Click here to read the article.

Click here to view all 40 banners on display in downtown Morenci.