City of Morenci website will be down
DDA Meeting 1/24/23 at 4pm
Planning Commission meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday 1/16/23 at City Offices
1/16/2023 City Council Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Morenci City Hall
Blane Tanner will be the third shift police officer.
Morenci Monthly Newsletter
City Council Supports Housing Lenawee
The City of Morenci Department of Public Works would like to remind residents to refrain from disposing of these items down toilets or drains:   rags baby wipes dental floss paper towels kitchen grease flushable wipes feminine products
Snow emergency 12/22/22 at 10pm through Sunday 12/25/22 at 8am
Weather alert
​As winter weather approaches, the City of Morenci would like to remind residents of the following:  • Leaf pick up is now complete, and there is currently no brush pick up. Leaves and brush may be taken to the compost pile behind the DPW building.  • Please clear sidewalks within 48 hours of a snowfall event.  • Garbage bins must be moved back from the curb 24 hours after trash has been picked up.  • Refuse pick up does not include bulky items unless scheduled with Modern Waste directly.  • To avoid frozen lines, disconnect outdoor water hoses.  Please feel welcome to contact City Hall at (517) 458-6828 with any questions or concerns. Our after hours phone number for water or sewer emergencies is (517) 759-0004.
12/12/22 City Council Meeting at 7:30 pm
Request for Proposal from Lenawee Now
The City of Morenci hires Julie Lonis as the City Treasurer and Logan Edmonson as a part-time Police Officer
Morenci Monthly Newsletter Sign-Up
Align Chiropractic now open in Downtown Morenci
Downtown rental venues are now available
Happy Thanksgiving from the City of Morenci
Small Business Saturday is Saturday, November 26. Many deals and specials in Downtown Morenci.